Ninten Azura IRL!

• ❤️Ninten IRL
• ✨He/They
• ⚠️Minor (Above 13, Lower than 18)
• 🍚Asian of Chinese Descent—lu Mien
• 🩹CSA Victim/Survivor

• 🌈Used to be Pan, now Gay as hell!
• 💙Demiboy
• ❔Questioning Genderfluidity/Being Genderfaun!
• 🔇Selective Mute
• 🌀Psychotic (I experience psychosis)


• Doubles don’t exist to me—please DNI if you’re supposed to be me. It freaks me out.
• Don’t reality check me w/out permission, I will refer to myself as what others perceive me as (a character) time to time but I am still Ninten. I use the term IRL to help people understand but I consider my IRLs just me.
• I love Claus! Not my ex-Claus though. See Claus Hatemail (Really Important—DNI if you’re him or support him)
• Claus IRLs please interact /r but do not if platonic and uncomfortable with the occasional fawning over you /gen /srs
• Porky shippers + Porky IRLs DNI
• Pleeease don’t be weird.

What the barf even is an IRL?

• IRLs are people with a firm belief they are a fictional character—I myself am Ninten (MOTHER 1), Orel Puppington (Moral Orel), Benjamin Fairest (FNF Soft), and Mono (Little Nightmares II), + more
• IRLs do not have to be Psychotic or have memories (yes we can have memories, they do not have to match what happened in the media) of being the said fictional character they are but they do have to have a defined source and I believe they have to root from trauma
• IRLs are also known as, if comfortable with it, D/A, D3lus1on41 4ttachm3nt, kinnies (usually just relating to the character!)
• IRLs, despite being a fictional character, do not have to match their media. Which means that if a person that has an IRL of an abusive person does NOT mean they are abusive in the real world.
• IRLs don’t have to match their medias—Someone could be an IRL of one and be brothers with someone they’re not in the canon game because that’s how it was in their source
• Everyone’s IRL experience is different! People do not choose IRLs, but it is still totally & completely valid to not want to interact with specific IRLs.
• Kinnies are NOT IRLs, kinnies are people who relate to characters, not be them—however it CAN step into IRL boundaries if the feeling is that strong + some IRLs like the term Kinnie better, some use the name of their kinned character for themselves but still aren’t them

What’s reality checking?

• Reality checks can be SUPER harmful to a Psychotic IRL, and are already harmful to the non-psychotics.
• Most of the time, reality checks are unwelcome but people who are beginning to dissociate heavily negatively from it might ask for a reality check
• When is it good? When they ask.
• Good Example - “I know it really feels like {Character} is you, but they’re not. {Character} is their own person in their own world and you’re your own person!”
• When is it bad? When they don’t ask.
• Bad Example - “Wow, I know you sure feel like {character} but damn you really don’t act like it.”
• Going up to someone as an irl of the same character and saying “You aren’t me you FAKER” is super rude and unnecessary, and may cause some bad things to happen to their mental health if they don’t take reality checks well.